History: Program by tracks
Preview of version: 16 (current)
Summary at glance
- Wiki Track
- Industry Track
- Open Collaboration Track
- Posters
- Workshops
- Demos/Tutorials
- Doctoral Symposium
Wiki Track
- p2: A Taxonomy of Wiki Genres in Enterprise Settings by Erika Poole and Jonathan Grudin
- p6: The Austrian way of Wiki(pedia)! - Development of a Structured Wiki-based Encyclopedia within a Local Austrian Context by Christoph Trattner, Ilire Hasani-Mavriqi, Denis Helic and Helmut Leitner
- p12: Deep Hypertext with Embedded Revision Control Implemented in Regular Expressions by Victor Grishchenko
- p13: Who Integrates the Networks of Knowledge in Wikipedia? by Iassen Halatchliyski, Johannes Moskaliuk, Joachim Kimmerle and Ulrike Cress
- p18: What Did They Do? Deriving High-Level Edit Histories in Wikis by Peter Kin-Fong Fong and Robert P. Biuk-Aghai
- p20: What Cognition Does for Wikis by Rut Jesus
- p21: Semantic Search on Heterogeneous Wiki Systems by Fabrizio Orlandi and Alexandre Passant
- p22: Towards Sensitive Information Redaction in a Collaborative, Multilevel Security Environment by Peter Gehres, Nathan Singleton, George Louthan and John Hale
Industry Track
- p7: Wikis at Work: Success Factors and Challenges for Sustainability of Enterprise Wikis by Jonathan Grudin and Erika Poole
- p8: Model-aware Wiki Analysis Tools: the Case of HistoryFlow by Oscar Diaz and Gorka Puente
- p17: ThinkFree: Using a Visual Wiki for IT Knowledge Management in a Tertiary Institution by Christian Hirsch;John Hosking, John Grundy and Tim Chaffe
Industry Track discussion
There is a two-hour discussion session scheduled for Thursday, July 8. This will be an open discussion about topics related to industry and open collaboration.
What do I mean by Industry?
Focused on the specific needs of enterprises and private companies interested in sharing and promoting their experiences around wikis and open collaboration projects/products/initiatives.
How are the needs of enterprise different to those of academia and wikipedia?
- Assumption of strong user identity,
- Unity of purpose (for the good of the organization)
- That individuals are willing to share, if culture is right, (need rewards)
- Planning needs
- Operational needs
- Documentation needs
- Semantics, Summarization, BPMS, Adaptive Case Management
- Regulation/compliance,
- Workflow Process and Systems Integration
- Security (and Information Hiding)
Where does a wiki enable new strategic capabilities for Firms?
From the Mundane to the Strategic- Onboarding
- Teaching newcomers what they need
- Teaching the firm what newcomers need and what they can contribute
- Interteam Collaborating
- Blending the Disciplines of different practitioners
- Awareness of capabilties, interests, aspirations of coworkers
- Organizational Agility (the ability to mobilize the forces of the company to respond to economic opportunity)
What needs to be done to get acceptance of a wiki into a firm?
- Concept
- Defined
- Which stakeholders care
- Team
- Defined
- Which stakeholders care
- Problem
- Defined
- Which stakeholders care
- Technology
- Defined
- Which stakeholders care
Which wikis fit well
- Enterprise security
- Enterprise standards
Where do wikis fit among other products used?
- Content Creation
- Survival among CMS, (and boring things like Records Management, Retention Management)
Add your name if you are interested in this sessionOpen Collaboration Track
- p3: (B)ut this is blog maths and we're free to make up conventions as we go along: Polymath1 and the Modalities of Mathematics in the Open by Michael J. Barany
- p9: Project Management in the Wikipedia community by Hang Ung and Jean-Michel Dalle
- p10: Openness as an Asset. A Classification System for Online Communities Based on Actor-Network Theory by Annalisa Pelizza
- p15: A Wiki-based Collective Intelligence Approach to Formulate a Body of Knowledge (BOK) for a New Discipline by Yoshifumi Masunaga, Yoshiyuki Shoji and Kazunari Ito
- p14: A fielded wiki for personality genetics by Finn Årup Nielsen (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark)
- p16: Quality Check with DokuWiki for instant user feedback by Andreas Gohr (CosmoCode GmbH, Germany), Detlef Hüttemann (CosmoCode GmbH, Germany), Daniel Faust (Fraunhofer ISST), Frank Fuchs-Kittowski (HTW Berlin, Germany)
- p24: Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Wikipedia Metadata and the STiki Anti-Vandalism Tool by Andrew West, Sampath Kannan and Insup Lee (University of Pennsylvania, USA), POSTER
- p25: A Method for Category Similarity Calculation in Wikis by Cheong-Iao Pang and Robert P. Biuk-Aghai (University of Macau, Macao)
- p26: Zawilinski : a library for studying grammar in Wiktionary, by Zachary Kurmas (Grand Valley State University, USA)
- p28: Search on enterprise Wiki by Natalya Angapova (Yandex, Russian Federation)
- p29: Chatting in the Wiki: Synchronous-Asynchronous Integration by Robert P. Biuk-Aghai and Keng Hong Lei, (University of Macau, Macao)
- p32: Collaborative Modeling with Semantic MediaWiki by Frank Dengler (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany) and Hans-Jörg Happel (FZI Research Center for Information Technologies, Germany)
- p33: Wikipedia and the Two-Faced Professoriate by Patricia L. Dooley (Elliott School of Communication, USA)
- p34: Encouraging Language Students to Contribute Inflection Data to Wiktionary by Zachary Kurmas (Grand Valley State University, USA)
- p35: "What I Know Is...": Establishing Credibility on Wikipedia Talk Pages by Meghan Oxley, Jonathan T. Morgan, Mark Zachry and Brian Hutchinson (University of Washington, USA)
- p37: Learning about team collaboration from Wikipedia edit history by Piotr Turek (PJIIT, Poland), Radosław Nielek (PJIIT, Poland) and Adam Wierzbicki (Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology, Poland)
- p38: The n00b Wikipedia Editing Experience by Parul Vora (Wikimedia Foundation, USA)
- p5: Teaching with Wikipedia and other Wikimedia Foundation wikis by Piotr Konieczny
- p27: Reviewing and challenging socio-political approaches in the analysis of open collaboration and collective action online by Mayo Fuster Morell, Benjamin Mako Hill and Johanna Niesyto.
- p36: Engaging with Open Education by Panagiota Alevizou and Andrea Forte
- p11: WikiPics: Multilingual Image Search based on Wiki-Mining by Daniel Kinzler
- p23: STiki: An Anti-Vandalism Tool for Wikipedia using Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Revision Metadata by Andrew West
- p30: GravPad by Joseph Corneli
- p31: Woogle4MediaWiki: From Searchers to Contributors by Hans-Jörg Happel